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I'm Tamir Luria

...and my passion is to help you achieve the success you deserve in the sign and graphics industry. 

My journey began in 2007 when I left my job as a financial analyst on Wall Street to help my parents grow their sign and graphics business, Grand Image Inc. What started as a simple desire to help my parents quickly turned into a passion for the sign and graphics industry and the people who work in it. 

After years of hard work and dedication, my parents' sign and graphics business not only continued to grow, but my parents were also able to achieve a life free from the burden of burnout and stress.  I wanted to help other small business owners in the sign and graphics industry experience the same feelings from success, without having to go through the struggles and challenges that my parents did. 

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My journey began in 2007 when I left my job as a financial analyst on Wall Street to help my parents grow their sign and graphics business, Grand Image Inc. What started as a simple desire to help my parents quickly turned into a passion for the sign and graphics industry and the people who work in it. 

After years of hard work and dedication, my parents' sign and graphics business not only continued to grow, but my parents were also able to achieve a life free from the burden of burnout and stress.  I wanted to help other small business owners in the sign and graphics industry experience the same feelings from success, without having to go through the struggles and challenges that my parents did. 

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Our team

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Louise Patton

Louise Patton

CEO and Founder

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Micheal Barton

Micheal Barton

Chief Operating Officer

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Angela Brooks

Angela Brooks

Chief Technology Officer

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Brian Lee

Brian Lee

Chief Financial Officer

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Anne Kim

Anne Kim

Chief Design Officer

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Sara Ortiz

Sara Ortiz

Chief People Officer

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Our culture

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Company news

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That's why I developed Sign Business Mastery

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That's why I developed Sign Business Mastery

SBM is a targeted business consulting program that is focused on helping sign and graphics professionals grow their businesses and achieve their goals. Through my years of experience in the industry, I've learned that many business owners hit a ceiling where they cannot scale their business, despite the never-ending workload. They're stuck in a cycle of burnout and frustration, without a clear path forward. 

But with Sign Business Mastery, I've helped dozens of business owners break through that ceiling and achieve their dreams. By focusing on the constraints that limit your ability to grow your business, I create customized plans and processes that are tailored to the sign and graphics industry. I'll teach you how to streamline your efforts, expand your team, and restructure your pricing - all without adding more work or stress to your plate.


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My mission is to empower sign and graphics professionals to be the best they can be, both in their businesses and in their lives. I believe that everyone deserves the chance to thrive, and I'm committed to helping as many people as possible achieve their dreams. If you're ready to take your sign and graphics business to the next level, then I'd be honored to have you join me on this mission.

Let's make it happen!

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